A. Fundamental Aspects of Ecological and Environmental Chemistry
- Oxidizing and reducing agents (antioxidants) in environment, technology and living organisms
- Electron transfer reactions in redox processes
- Thermodynamics and kinetics of redox processes in ecological systems
- Photochemical processes in the environment
- Modeling of the redox processes in the environment
- Chemical risk assessment and analysis
B. Water Science and Society
- Ecological chemistry of natural waters, pollution and self-purification
- Industrial and municipal waste water treatment and reuse
- Modern approach and advanced methods to pollution control, monitoring and prevention: physico-chemical, biochemical and remote sensing methods, water quality indicators, etc.
- Transboundary waters and disasters management
- Water, sanitation and health
C. Climate Change and Atmospheric Chemistry
- Redox processes in troposphere and stratosphere (air emissions, acid rains, precipitations, smog, etc.)
- Air quality monitoring, pollution prevention, control and modeling
- Air pollution impact on climate change
- Air quality and health
D. Food, Soil and Waste Chemistry
- Food safety and security
- Chemical aspects of crop nutrition, soil fertility and degradation prevention
- Physico-chemical transformations of soil pollutants
- Wastes management, treatment and reuse in agriculture, food and wine production
- Hazardous wastes (POPs, hospital, pharmaceutical, etc.) detoxication
E. Ecological & Environmental Chemistry within the Knowledge Triangle: Research-Education-Innovation
- Methodological aspects in assurance of high quality knowledge, skills, innovation, technologies and solutions towards the ecologically balanced future
- Innovative policies, strategies and solutions addressing the global challenges for environment and sustainable development
- Environmental transnational rights, legislation and control
- Sustainable use and circular management of natural resources
- Household chemicals in everyday life: safety and efficiency
- Pollution impact on the health